Yoram Cimet
Partner & Head Of Project Design , Cimet Arquitectos
Yoram is Partner and Head Project Design at Cimet Arquitectos where he has worked since 2008. Since he joined the firm, he has introduced the concept of sustainability into the practice, worrying about the impact of his projects and the environment. His thinking is analytical and strategic, seeking to contribute to projects with ideas that translate into a "win-win" both for the project and in terms of cost-benefit. Constantly interested in philosophical concepts such as time-space, experience-aesthetics, art-technique-science, he tries to embed his works with meaning. He remains faithful to his principles, having as his main concern the experience of the inhabitant of his projects and the contribution to the city, trying to integrate his works with their context in a respectful way and in addition to adding some additional value; he seeks to improve the quality of life for both, the citizen who inhabits it and the one who simply appreciates it from the outside.