Robert Fry
Deputy Chairman , Aukett Swanke Group Plc
Robert Fry (Deputy Chairman) BA(Hons) DipArch MA RIBA Robert was appointed Deputy Chairman of Aukett Swanke Group Plc in April 2023 with responsibly for the Group's UK architecture and international operations following a period as interim CEO in January 2023. Robert joined the Board in March 2018 as Executive Director and Managing Director – International. Following his graduation from Sheffield University he spent his formative years at Milton Keynes Development Corporation. In 1987 Robert became a founding member of Swanke Hayden Connell's London office, joining its Board in 2002 and becoming Managing Director of the UK and Europe group in 2005. He was part of the management team for the merger of Aukett Fitzroy Robinson and Swanke Hayden Connell International in 2013 to form Aukett Swanke.