Tank Park
Our design approach proposed 'editing' the dense array of Tanks into several clusters and re-purpose existing found archaeological items to retain an authentic connection with the former site uses. A subtraction process would create access, view shafts, and a variety of new spatial functions as hubs of activation and activities. This project transforms 'Tank Farm' into 'Tank Park', providing a new spatial function as hubs of activation and unique activities compliment Silo Park, Daldy Street Linear Park, and the new Wynyard Quarter development. The design creatively adapts and reveals the site's unique post-industrial character into an authentic, engaging landscape experience and landmark. Key design elements: Pavilion_ Te Nukuao (The Shelter), designed in collaboration with mana whenua artist Tessa Harris (Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki), provides activation, shade and shelter. Green Ecology_ A palette of softscaping and trees provide shade relief and wilding ecologies. Pipe / Play Line_ Play Line is an episodic interconnected series of interactive experiences. Pipe Line is a flexible infrastructural framework for programming and events. Retained Tanks_ Carefully chosen tanks retain the site's character, defining new spaces, filtering views, and opportunities for discovery. Ground Plane_ A single connecting surface references the landscape and tank-built forms.