Nouvelle Comédie de Genève Theater
FRES ARCHITECTES > Laurent Gravier + Sara Martín Cámara
Much more than a theater! It is first and foremost a public building, a facility intended to be open to the population of Geneva and the entire agglomeration. But the building for the Nouvelle Comédie de Genève is also and above all a strong idea, a cultural project, a vision of society. It is even, dare we say it, a manifesto. This theater is a whole world, a living, active world. It is a piece of the city, a piece of life, which brings together under one roof all the professions, the knowledge, the techniques and above all the people that must be brought together to build, for weeks and months, what will make the magic of an evening. As a theater of creation, a workshop, a factory or a beehive, the building for the Nouvelle Comédie de Genève is meant to be like this, and must be understood, read and seen like this. The building articulates in a right balance representativeness and banality, public spaces and working premises, magic of the night and daily life.