SPARK Architects
Challenging the common practice of “demolish and rebuild”, the existing building was repurposed as a more economic and sustainable alternative.
The ‘social stair’ introduced, is a key contributor to the transformed building corner, adding to the existing urban grain, providing a direct link from the neighbouring School of the Arts into the basement level food street, gym, ‘social washroom’, public study space & work zones with integrated vending machines & lockers; and also a place to relax, in a naturally ventilated triple volume space.
Dining units are also relocated at the transformed corner, for visibility to and from the building, with al-fresco areas at multiple levels, increasing the Net Leasable Area along the street facing façade.
Flexible pop-up stores, co-working zones, and social spaces are introduced to encourage more communal events and public interaction, for a future forward destination that is social, experiential and authentic.
The completed design is a revolution in the building’s image as seen from the street. The corner condition in particular is GR.ID’s signal that is has arrived in the community. A bold reinvention of what was previously a grey and monotonous city experience.
The industrial aesthetic, use of bright neon colours, elevates GR.ID both inside and out, from the neutral facades of its neighbours, invigorating the composition of the street. Making GR.ID a vibrant digital generation friendly canvas for the content creators of Singapore’s art district.