Goodwell Share House
Kanaya Sekkei
Client: KANAYA Design
Project start date : 2017.03.23
Project completion date :2020.03.06
Company Name : KANAYA SEKKEI, Tokyo, Japan
In the downtown area of Tokyo, where the proposal is located, old wooden houses are densely packed and the cityscape remains quaint because it did not burn due to the great earthquake of the last century and the great air raid of World War II. However, the earthquake and air raids have killed more than 200,000 people, so if a fire breaks out, great damage is expected. Therefore, in order to enhance disaster prevention capabilities, a well was dug and 10 tons of groundwater was pumped up and stored in a pond every day. The pond becomes a waterside landscape in daily life, and the overflowing water helps eliminate the heat island phenomenon and enhances the living environment. It uses the heat of groundwater to reduce utility costs and is a measure against global warming. Furthermore, it is useful for local disaster prevention as fire extinguishing water in the event of an earthquake and as domestic water after the earthquake. It is a modern well end that enriches people's lives and protects their lives.