Eternity Life
k20 Architecture
Each apartment has been thoughtfully designed to allow for spacious living and mobility. Of the sixty-one units, fifteen were designed to accommodate people living with disability in line with the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Livable Housing Australia Platinum Level. Eternity Life incorporates ESD principles — maximising fresh air within spaces without loss of thermal comfort, improved natural light access, solar orientation, upcycling, waste minimisation through to buildings and surrounding site area, social connectivity, improved local ecology, low energy use, low embodied energy and high sustainability performance outcomes. Individual smart metering, solar sharing, cross flow ventilation, low toxicity materials, LED lighting throughout, double glazing and thermally isolated frames, all lower heating and cooling costs for residents and achieve a 7.3- star natHERS rating a time when the standard naTHERS rating was 6. The light- colored roof reduces the heat load of the building while the incorporated car stackers minimises the overall footprint of the building. Eternity Life is a unique timber structure crafted from Simple Laminated Timber (SLT) and clad in sustainably sourced hardwood timber. An independent Lifecycle Assessment by E Tool Global concludes up front carbon emissions are reduced by 52% and embodied carbon reduced by 71%. This places Eternity Life ahead of its time — exceeding the World Green Building Council target of 40% of up-front carbon emissions by 2030.