Climatorium Climate Centre
Client: Lemvig’s City Council and Lemvig Utility
Climatorium is a hub that brings together civil society, authorities, businesses and educational institutions to discuss lifestyle, prevention and adaptation to the climate challenges we face. Innovation is the focal point of Climatorium, and projects are built from the Quadruple Helix mindset, where there is cooperation between four segments: research & education, public companies, private companies, and civil society.
With its wooden wave that marks the entrance and creates inviting seating space sheltered from the elements, the new Climatorium is already an iconic structure in Lemvig. The motif refers to a wave at sea and to the hulls of the fishing boats that have historically characterised the area, thereby honouring the area’s nature, fishing culture and local building practices. The material selection is inspired by the nearby boat halls, bringing a raw, rustic expression in wood, concrete and steel that resonates with the local environment.
Inside, the Climatorium offers office spaces, meeting rooms, common areas and a publicly accessible café and exhibition area that focus on creating social synergies by encouraging users of the building to engage in different kinds of interaction, meetings and collaboration.