180 Steeles
CORE Architects Inc.
The heart of the project is a tree-lined boulevard consisting of a 20-meter-wide right-of-way, with a 9-meter carriageway running down the middle sharing space. The two flanking buildings closest to the main road have retail uses at the base, and so there is an additional 1.5-meter setback with attractive pavement enhancements. Above the retail base, the condominium towers are 35 and 45 storeys. The back towers furthest from the main street are 16 storeys with grade-related townhouses providing a transition to the adjacent residential neighbourhood. The towers typically have 1,200 square meter floor plates with 12 units, which makes slender masses that minimize overshadowing of open spaces. These towers are wrapped with architecturally distinctive strips of balcony. These curvilinear balcony-ribbons soften the profile of the towers, creating an organic sculptural presence in place of the typical boxiness of this type of development. The design intention is to introduce a high level of architectural sophistication that enhances the status of this emerging neighbourhood. Our proposal introduces contextually sensitive massing onto a nascent pattern of streets-and-blocks, establishing typologies that can be replicated on adjacent sites to create a coherent urban precinct. At the same time, the forms and materials of the project impart a distinctive identity to this development, setting a high architectural bar to evolve into a highly desirable mixed-use neighbourhood offering a much-needed expansion of the range of housing options.