Colin Neufeld
Partner , 5468796 Architecture
5468796 Architecture is a Winnipeg-based design studio established in 2007. Led by Colin Neufeld, Johanna Hurme and Sasa Radulovic, the firm has received numerous recognitions, including: "50 Best Architectural Firms in 2020" by Domus, Rice Design Alliance Spotlight Award, the RAIC Emerging Architectural Practice Award, WAN 21 for 21, the Design Vanguard issue of Architectural Record, 2012 representation of Canada at the Venice Biennale in Architecture, and the 2013 Prix de Rome Award in Architecture for Canada by the Canada Council for the Arts. 5468796 is publishing a book in Fall 2023 called "platform.MIDDLE: Architecture for Housing the 99%", exploring the current state of the housing crisis in North America and the architect's role in shaping its future.